New banned cards in Amnezy

Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores

- Draconic Banner
- Bright branches
- Whisper
- Offspring of Panturien
- Fog Hydra
- Illumination
- Teslic plier
- Overnight stele
- Tengri, the calamity
- Tengri
- Snow tornado
- Runic Protection
- Earth Stone-heart
- Oural's armor
- Double punch
- Lying in wait
- Atugan
- Oural's blades
- Abara Charge
- Akhet
- Rain of Death
- The other side of the coin
- You wouldn't dare...
- Lady Izandra
- Disintegration
- Thousands of birds
- Lord Dragon Alishk
- Offspring of Kachu'Taoa
- Wings of the Linker
- Offspring of Amalgon

Tournament Results

Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/31/2023 16:00

1st[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)1st[Dra] Clan du Dragon (Elo 0)
2nd[Dra] dionisos (Elo 1500)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rdVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)3rd[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
4th[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5th[777] Adriano_Alves (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [ICE] CINAT, [Dra] dionisos, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [abr] Goanchan, [777] NewEraDark.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: Vincent_Doucette.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [777] Adriano_Alves, [LOC] Killobro, [777] samp, [777] Nark_Doze, Sergioyini888, Ghosttttt000, [777] NewWarrior.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/29/2023 10:00

1st[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)2nd[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
3rdVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)3rd[DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0)
4th[DK] kronos50 (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5thsulmir (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] Arureco, Vincent_Doucette, sulmir, [LOC] Killobro, [777] samp, Sergioyini888, Ghosttttt000.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [MAS] Phawk, [DK] kronos50.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/27/2023 04:00

1st[777] Adriano_Alves (Elo 1516)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[777] samp (Elo 1501)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[EDF] Melgor (Elo 1500)3rd[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 0)
4th[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)4th[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
5th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)5th[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [777] Adriano_Alves, [TNN] dari753, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Killobro, [BCG] Morray30, Sergioyini888, Ghosttttt000.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [777] samp.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [EDF] Melgor, [MAS] Phawk, [sg] vans99, [777] Nark_Doze.

  Amnezy Tournament that ended on 12/31/2023 17:00

1st[Cob] Santiago_Arias (Elo 1530)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1516)2nd[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
3rd[AT] manzei97 (Elo 1516)3rd[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
4th[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5th[EDF] Melgor (Elo 1500)5th[sg] super galaxya (Elo 0)
6th[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)6th[DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0)
7th[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)7th[Cob] Caballeros Eredan (Elo 0)
8th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)8th[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
9th[Dra] dionisos (Elo 1500)9th[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
10thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)10th[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [Cob] Santiago_Arias, [LOC] Killobro, [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk, [Dra] dionisos, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [777] Adriano_Alves, sulmir, [sg] vans99, [BCG] Morray30, [777] samp, Ghosttttt000, [AT] The-Mike-99, Sergioyini888.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [AT] manzei97, [EDF] Melgor, [TNN] dari753, [ICE] CINAT, [abr] Goanchan, [DK] kronos50, [777] Nark_Doze.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: Vincent_Doucette, cacho_the killer.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !

New banned cards in Amnezy

Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores

- Akhet
- Oural's armor
- Lying in wait
- Atugan
- Abara Charge
- Double punch
- Oural's blades
- Earth Stone-heart
- Runic Protection
- Offspring of Amalgon
- Rain of Death
- The other side of the coin
- You wouldn't dare...
- Lady Izandra
- Disintegration
- Thousands of birds
- Lord Dragon Alishk
- Offspring of Kachu'Taoa
- Wings of the Linker
- Hime
- Skirmish
- Patrol
- Admiration
- Tantad's booty
- Loquitus' Horn
- Rallying the Troops
- Runic Catapult
- Ancient Spell Scroll
- Centeros, the Sagitarius

Tournament Results

Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/22/2023 16:00

1st[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2ndVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)2nd[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
3rd[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)3rd[DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0)
4th[777] Adriano_Alves (Elo 1500)4th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
5th[LOC] Revan (Elo 1500)5th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [MAS] Phawk, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [777] Adriano_Alves, [LOC] Killobro, Sergioyini888, Ghosttttt000.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Revan, [DK] kronos50.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/20/2023 10:00

1st[777] Adriano_Alves (Elo 1516)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)3rd[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
4th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)4th[DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0)
5thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)5th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [777] Adriano_Alves, [TNN] dari753, [MAS] Phawk, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [abr] Goanchan, [DK] kronos50, Ghosttttt000, [777] samp.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [ICE] Arureco, Vincent_Doucette, [BCG] Morray30, Sergioyini888.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [LOC] Killobro.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/18/2023 04:00

1st[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)1st[CsT] Consortium (Elo 0)
2nd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)2nd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
3rd[CsT] plopbeaver (Elo 1500)3rd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
4thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5th[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] Arureco, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [abr] Goanchan, Ghosttttt000, Sergioyini888.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [MAS] Phawk, [CsT] plopbeaver, [LOC] Killobro.

  Amnezy Tournament that ended on 12/24/2023 17:00

1st[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1526)1st[CsT] Consortium (Elo 0)
2nd[777] Adriano_Alves (Elo 1516)2nd[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
3rd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1516)3rd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
4th[uag] **u.A.g**||MaximuS (Elo 1516)4th[sg] super galaxya (Elo 0)
5th[sg] vans99 (Elo 1515)5th[DK] Dragon Killers - "US" (Elo 0)
6th[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)6th[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
7th[EDF] Melgor (Elo 1500)7th[777] The Perfect (Elo 0)
8th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)8th[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 0)
9th[OFF] begalord (Elo 1500)9th[uag] uag (Elo 0)
10th[CsT] plopbeaver (Elo 1500)10th[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [TNN] dari753, [777] Adriano_Alves, [LOC] Killobro, [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk, [CsT] plopbeaver, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [LOC] Revan, [BCG] Morray30, Ghosttttt000, [uag] cowboy, [777] Nark_Doze, Sergioyini888, Danirep.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [uag] **u.A.g**||MaximuS, [sg] vans99, [EDF] Melgor, [OFF] begalord, [abr] Goanchan, Hakaz.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: Vincent_Doucette, [DK] kronos50.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !

New banned cards in Amnezy

Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores

- Wings of the Linker
- Lady Izandra
- Disintegration
- Offspring of Kachu'Taoa
- The other side of the coin
- Thousands of birds
- Rain of Death
- Offspring of Amalgon
- Lord Dragon Alishk
- You wouldn't dare...
- Hime
- Skirmish
- Patrol
- Admiration
- Tantad's booty
- Loquitus' Horn
- Rallying the Troops
- Runic Catapult
- Ancient Spell Scroll
- Centeros, the Sagitarius
- Obscure
- Scepter of the Border
- The Psychurgist
- Chiaroscuro
- Survive Death
- Temptation
- Hibernation
- Dexterity game
- Bubblez
- Sphatik

Tournament Results

Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/15/2023 22:00

1st[LOC] Revan (Elo 1554)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1522)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)3rd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
4th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)4th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
5thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)5th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Killobro, [ICE] CINAT, Vincent_Doucette, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Revanchistu, Sergioyini888.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [MAS] Phawk, [abr] scheletrone, [LOC] Revanchist.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: Ghosttttt000.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/13/2023 16:00

1st[LOC] Revan (Elo 1566)1st[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 1502)
2nd[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1516)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[BCG] Morray30 (Elo 1516)3rd[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
4th[abr] Goanchan (Elo 1515)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)5th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [BCG] Morray30, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000, Sergioyini888, [LOC] Revanchist, [BCG] yopo10, [ICE] Arureco.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [abr] Goanchan, [abr] scheletrone, [LOC] Vins_Pired, [LOC] Revanchistu.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [LOC] Revanchisti.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/11/2023 10:00

1st[BCG] yopo10 (Elo 1516)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)3rd[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
4thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5th[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [BCG] yopo10, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Killobro.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [LOC] Revan, [abr] scheletrone, Ghosttttt000, [BCG] Morray30.

  Amnezy Tournament that ended on 12/17/2023 17:00

1st[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1516)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)3rd[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 0)
4th[OFF] begalord (Elo 1500)4th[BCG] Bakel City Gang (Elo 0)
5th[lyz] herbs (Elo 1500)5th[lyz] los yakuza (Elo 0)
6thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)6th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
7th[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)7th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
8th[LOC] Revan (Elo 1500)8th (Elo )
9th[LOC] Vins_Pired (Elo 1500)9th (Elo )
10th[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1500)10th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] Arureco, [ICE] CINAT, [OFF] begalord, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Killobro, [BCG] Morray30, Ghosttttt000.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [MAS] Phawk, [lyz] herbs, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Vins_Pired, Sergioyini888, [abr] Goanchan.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [abr] scheletrone.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !

New banned cards in Amnezy

Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores

- Admiration
- Runic Catapult
- Centeros, the Sagitarius
- Loquitus' Horn
- Skirmish
- Hime
- Tantad's booty
- Ancient Spell Scroll
- Patrol
- Rallying the Troops
- Obscure
- Scepter of the Border
- The Psychurgist
- Chiaroscuro
- Survive Death
- Temptation
- Hibernation
- Dexterity game
- Bubblez
- Sphatik
- Kronhan
- War Axe
- Good Omen
- Those we love
- Dragon Torch
- Zilinak Statuette
- Black market
- Dorn
- Fourth Candle!

Tournament Results

Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/09/2023 04:00

1st[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1566)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[LOC] Revan (Elo 1558)2nd[LNO] La Nueva Orden (Elo 0)
3rd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1531)3rd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
4th[EDF] Melgor (Elo 1516)4th[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 0)
5th[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)5th[sg] super galaxya (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [LOC] Revan, [abr] Goanchan, [sg] yass_aguilar, Danirep, [LOC] Revanchist.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [LOC] Killobro.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [EDF] Melgor, [ICE] Arureco, [ICE] CINAT, [MAS] Phawk, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, Ghosttttt000, Sergioyini888, [LNO] teste000, error1, [LOC] Revanchistu.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/06/2023 22:00

1st[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1583)1st[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 1500)
2nd[LOC] Revan (Elo 1558)2nd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
3rd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1516)3rd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
4th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)4th[sg] super galaxya (Elo 0)
5thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)5th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [TNN] dari753, [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk, Vincent_Doucette, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti, [LOC] Vins_Pired, error1, Danirep, [LOC] Revanchist, [abr] Goanchan.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000, [LOC] Revanchisti, danirep2.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [LOC] Revanchistu.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/04/2023 16:00

1st[LOC] Revan (Elo 1516)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[LOC] Orshen (Elo 1516)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[ICE] giuseppe92 (Elo 1500)3rd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
4th[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)4th[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
5th[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Orshen, [TNN] dari753, [ICE] CINAT, [MAS] Phawk, Sergioyini888, [LOC] Marisa, [LOC] Revanchist.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [ICE] giuseppe92.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [ICE] Arureco, Vincent_Doucette, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000.

  Amnezy Tournament that ended on 12/10/2023 17:00

1st[LOC] Revan (Elo 1547)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[abr] Goanchan (Elo 1516)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1506)3rd[PM] Palhaços Mortais (Elo 0)
4th[EDF] Melgor (Elo 1500)4th[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 0)
5th[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)5th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
6th[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)6th[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
7th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)7th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
8th[PM] FantasmaX (Elo 1500)8th (Elo )
9thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)9th (Elo )
10th[LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti (Elo 1500)10th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [LOC] Revan, [abr] Goanchan, [EDF] Melgor, [TNN] dari753, Vincent_Doucette, Sergioyini888.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [LOC] Killobro, [LOC] Vittorio_Durigutti.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] CINAT, [MAS] Phawk, [PM] FantasmaX, [LOC] Vins_Pired, Ghosttttt000, [ICE] Arureco, [LOC] Revanchist, [LOC] Revanchistu.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !

New banned cards in Amnezy

Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores

- Survive Death
- Bubblez
- Chiaroscuro
- Hibernation
- Dexterity game
- The Psychurgist
- Scepter of the Border
- Sphatik
- Obscure
- Temptation
- Kronhan
- War Axe
- Good Omen
- Those we love
- Dragon Torch
- Zilinak Statuette
- Black market
- Dorn
- Fourth Candle!
- Quick Draw
- Elfine intimidation
- Briskness
- Sharp arrows
- Aleshane
- Prestigious Great Helmet
- Storm bow
- Opportune moment
- Poisoned arrows

Tournament Results

Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 12/02/2023 10:00

1st[ICE] giuseppe92 (Elo 1500)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)2nd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
3rd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)3rd[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
4thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)4th (Elo )
5th[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1500)5th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] giuseppe92, [ICE] Arureco, Vincent_Doucette.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [MAS] Phawk, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 11/30/2023 04:00

1st[ICE] giuseppe92 (Elo 1500)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)2nd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
3rd[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)3rd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
4thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)4th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
5th[abr] Goanchan (Elo 1500)5th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [ICE] giuseppe92, [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: Vincent_Doucette, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Vins_Pired, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000.

  Quilingo Tournament that ended on 11/27/2023 22:00

1st[ICE] giuseppe92 (Elo 1500)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
2nd[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)2nd[Fpb] Fair players br (Elo 0)
3rd[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)3rd[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
4th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)4th[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
5thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)5th[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 0)
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ICE] giuseppe92, [TNN] dari753, [Fpb] 7erf, [LOC] Killobro, Ghosttttt000.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [ICE] Arureco, [MAS] Phawk, Vincent_Doucette.

  Amnezy Tournament that ended on 12/03/2023 17:00

1st[LOC] Revan (Elo 1540)1st[LOC] League Of Cheaters (Elo 1506)
2nd[LOC] Killobro (Elo 1535)2nd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 0)
3rd[LOC] Marisa (Elo 1516)3rd[abr] anjos brasileiros (Elo 0)
4th[ICE] Arureco (Elo 1500)4th[ICE] Italiani Clan Elite (Elo 0)
5th[TNN] dari753 (Elo 1500)5th[TNN] THE NIGHTMARE NIGHT (Elo 0)
6th[ICE] CINAT (Elo 1500)6th (Elo )
7th[MAS] Phawk (Elo 1500)7th (Elo )
8thVincent_Doucette (Elo 1500)8th (Elo )
9th[abr] Goanchan (Elo 1500)9th (Elo )
10th[LOC] Vins_Pired (Elo 1500)10th (Elo )
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [LOC] Revan, [LOC] Killobro, [ICE] Arureco, [ICE] CINAT, [abr] Goanchan, [LOC] Vins_Pired, Ghosttttt000, [LOC] Revanchisti, [LOC] Revanchist, [LOC] Revanchistu.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [LOC] Marisa, [TNN] dari753, [MAS] Phawk, Vincent_Doucette, Sergioyini888, [LOC] Orshen.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
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