Masters Tournament: Double Tap Standard
Par Eredan, le Friday 28 February 2014 - iTCG
Masters Tournament: Double Tap Standard
A hard fight is coming on Eredan iTCG ! This week-end 1 million crystals at stake!
From now and until Sunday March 2nd at 8 PM (CET).
Format : 3 characters and 20 to 50 Cards.
Cards from the Standard series only. 2 copies of each card maximum.
At least 1.000.000 crystals will be distributed among all the participants.
- 1st of the ranking: 250.000 guaranteed Crystals + the Title: The Tournament Master.
- 2nd: 170.000 guaranteed Crystals.
- 3rd and 4th: 110.000 guaranteed Crystals.
- from 5th to 8th: 50.000 guaranteed Crystals.
- from 9th to 16th: 20.000 guaranteed Crystals.
Players in the first fourth of the ranking will share a jackpot of 1.000.000 Crystals.
Furthermore, every player that played at least 5 games will receive 1000 Crystals AND players that have won at least 10 games will receive 10 Medallions.
Registration Fee:
199 Fee’z, or free enrollment if you hold the trophy Masters Qualifier of the week.
Good Luck and may the fortune be with you!
Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.
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