Eredan iTCG has kept on progressing since it was created two and a half years ago. We have tried to ameliorate the game, we have offered you a great number of cards, to try and make up a world and a game experience that are vast, rich and picturesque.

Paradoxically, as some of you pointed out, we now need to go through adjustments if we want this richness to remain strengthful. The aim of my message is to tell you about these adjustments in progress, to give you details about their nature and their interest:

The fact that there are so many cards makes the game quite hard to access to new players. And, everyday, there are plenty of them who are directly immersed in a world made of more than 2,000 cards!

You can imagine how long and difficult it can be to grasp such an environment. What's more, these new players rapidly face hardened players with much stronger decks. Both of which can leave them a bitter taste...

We would like to make the game more intuitive and as interesting on the first levels as on the highest. Therefore we have created a "Basic Set". This particular series contains more or less 350 cards that we have selected among the existing cards and it will be the only one new players can access when they start playing.

A "Basic Set" booster will enable one to obtain cards from this series. We want the cards it contains to be accessible to make them a good basis to start with any Eredan iTCG guild.

A permanent tournament will be set up in which only the cards from this "Basic Set" and the "Adventure" series can be played. So new players can challenge one another and cut their teeth in competitions. Do not worry, a second version of this tournament will be open to high level players so all of you can try this simplified format.

To ameliorate new players' experience is not our only aim. We also want to make the game more attractive for higher level players. We know the competitive environment is too vast and that it harms the quality of the game.

First, because of the size of the game environment, the creation of new cards becomes more and more difficult: it is now problematic to take all the possible interactions into account when a new card is created. Therefore the equilibrium of this environment has become somewhat unstable.

Second, little by little, at time and releases go by, boosters tend to be less and less interesting for players. The number of cards is far too high (many of them are outdated) and the chances to get a good card gave decreases. That explains why the prices of cards have increased.

To correct that, we have planned to create a new permanent tournament that will be played in a sounder environment, made of the most recent cards: the Standard format.

In this format, only the "Basic Set" and the Adventure" series cards plus the cards from the current Act and the two previous Acts will be allowed.

One will easily access the cards from that format thanks to the new "Standard" booster that will only contain cards from the last three Acts. Once more, that way, the access to cards will be facilitated.

The creation of this format is a solution that makes the competitive environment more easily controlled with a limited number of cards. We therefore avoid issues I mentioned before. The Amnezy tournament will still exist, of course. Hardened players will still have the opportunity to challenge one another through the existing format which contains all the Eredan iTCG cards.

We believe these modifications will be advantageous to the game and the players. One will get far more opportunities to reach the highest level, and the competition will be open to the largest number of players.

And last but not least, we have planned to modify the players' level system. We know the progression for high level players is slow and somewhat monotonous therefore we are going to set up a new progression curve so players can get the opportunity to upgrade, even at that stage. As an example, with the new system, level-20 players will become level-28 players. Players will also get the opportunity to progress and unlock rewards up to level 50 (of course no player will lose his/her progression, your level will just be updated according to the experience you acquired).

You might have understood that we want Eredan iTCG to linger on, that is why we are working to make it more accessible and approachable, to make it a game of its time so it become a reference in the world of online trading card games!

Season's Greetings

The Eredan iTCG team