Card release: Ashtra
Par Eredan, Wednesday 17 September 2014 à 15:50 - iTCG - #1311 - rss
New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Ashtra. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Zil Warriors. Marauder. Human. Circus. Spirit 2. Attack 8/10. Defense 2. Health points 14. Attack +2 against Guemelites. At the start of the fight, Attack +1 until the end of the game if one of your characters wears a Dagger. Turns 2, 3 and 4:
The following cards are reeditions of older cards, we took the opportunity to upgrade them:
Six Feet Under. Rare. Action. Attack +1 and an additional Attack +2 if your character does not carry an Item. Mercenary: An additional Attack +1.
Razor blade. Rare. Dagger. Zil Warriors. Marauder.
Ventriloquism. Common. Shadow. Zil Warriors. Mage. If at least 5 Zil cards are in your Discard Pile, 3 of them, determined at random, will be placed in your Deck.
These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.
Enjoy the game!
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