Card release: Runic Warrior Anenka
Par Eredan, Wednesday 5 November 2014 à 17:24 - iTCG - #1327 - rss
New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Runic Warrior Anenka. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Runic Legion. Warrior, Craftsman. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 7/9. Defense 3. Health points 14. Can attach Craftsmen Items to any character. GainChain if you play a Runic Action. Gain a Cor Rune if you play a Warrior Item. Turns 1, 3 and 5: Your Humans gain Attack +1 until the end of the game.
The following cards are reeditions of older cards, we took the opportunity to upgrade them:
Runic Lord Eilos. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Rare. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Archonte. Spirit 1. Attack 7/10. Defense 3. Health points 15. GainChain if you play a Weapon. If you only have one living Archon, your Runic Warriors have Defense +1. Turns 1, 2 and 4: Gains a Cor Rune.
Runic training. Rare. Action. Runic Legion. Human. Defense +2.Chain. 2 Cor Runes: your Runics have Attack +3 until the end of the game. Nox Rune: Draw 2 extra cards during the next draw phase. 3 Runic cards from your Discard pile are placed in your Deck.
Runic Warrior Agillian . (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 7/10. Defense 3. Health points 14. GainChain if you play a Two handed Weapon. Your Runics gain Defense +1 if "Runic Warrior Agillian" wears a Shield and an additional Defense +1 if they wear a Shield themselves. Turns 1, 3 and 6: Attack +2.
Resistance. Uncommon. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. At the end of the fight, if your character has less than 1 Health point, he heals 5. If the opposing character has less than 1 Health point, he suffers 5 direct damage points.Chain. Cor Rune : -2 to physical and magic damage points suffered. 2 Nox Runes: Permanent.
Nemaria's Trident. Uncommon. Spear. Runic Legion. Warrior. Activates after the fight.Permanent. Attack +4. "Runic Warrior Agillian": activates immediately. Cor Rune and Nox Rune: The opposing characters have +2 to damage points suffered. Cor Rune: The opposing character suffers 2 direct damage points.
Armored. Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Yr Rune.Chain Runic card.
Armored . Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Nox Rune.Chain Runic card.
Armored . Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Cor Rune.Chain Runic card.
Runic Shield. Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.Permanent. Defense +2 and -2 to magic damage points suffered. If this character plays a weapon, he gains a Yr Rune. If played by "Runic Warrior Anenka": you gain a Yr Rune. Craftsman: Chain.
Runic Shield. Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.Permanent. Defense +2 and -2 to magic damage points suffered. If this character plays a weapon, he gains a Nox Rune. If played by "Runic Warrior Anenka": you gain a Nox Rune. Craftsman: Chain.
Runic Shield . Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.Permanent. Defense +2 and -2 to magic damage points suffered. If this character plays a weapon, he gains a Cor Rune. If played by "Runic Warrior Anenka": you gain a Cor Rune. Craftsman: Chain.

Runic Warrior Anenka. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Runic Legion. Warrior, Craftsman. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 7/9. Defense 3. Health points 14. Can attach Craftsmen Items to any character. Gain
The following cards are reeditions of older cards, we took the opportunity to upgrade them:
Runic Lord Eilos. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Rare. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Archonte. Spirit 1. Attack 7/10. Defense 3. Health points 15. Gain
Runic training. Rare. Action. Runic Legion. Human. Defense +2.
Runic Warrior Agillian . (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 7/10. Defense 3. Health points 14. Gain
Resistance. Uncommon. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. At the end of the fight, if your character has less than 1 Health point, he heals 5. If the opposing character has less than 1 Health point, he suffers 5 direct damage points.
Nemaria's Trident. Uncommon. Spear. Runic Legion. Warrior. Activates after the fight.
Armored. Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Yr Rune.
Armored . Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Nox Rune.
Armored . Common. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Defense +4. Your other Human Runic Warriors gain a Cor Rune.
Runic Shield. Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.
Runic Shield. Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.
Runic Shield . Common. Shield. Runic Legion. Warrior. Craftsman. Activates after the fight.
These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.
Enjoy the game!
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