Card release: Korius and Dalla
Par Eredan, Wednesday 28 January 2015 à 16:06 - iTCG - #1353 - rss
New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Korius and Dalla. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Common. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human, Guemelite od War. Spirit 1. Attack 7/10. Defense 4. Health points 14. GainChain if you play a shield. Gain two Cor Runes if you play "Runic slicer". Turns 3, 4, 5 and 6: Attack and Defense +1 for every Rune attached to your character.
The following cards are reeditions of older cards:
Runic slicer. Rare. Sword. Runic Legion. Warrior. War Guemelite . Activates after the fight.Permanent. Attack +6/3. When your character deals physical damage points, the opposing characters have Defense -1.
Evocation. Common. Action. Runic Legion. Attack +1 and Defense +1. Your Yr runes and your Nox runes become Cor runes. Human:Chain.
These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.
Enjoy the game!

Korius and Dalla. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Common. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human, Guemelite od War. Spirit 1. Attack 7/10. Defense 4. Health points 14. Gain
The following cards are reeditions of older cards:
Runic slicer. Rare. Sword. Runic Legion. Warrior. War Guemelite . Activates after the fight.
Evocation. Common. Action. Runic Legion. Attack +1 and Defense +1. Your Yr runes and your Nox runes become Cor runes. Human:
These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.
Enjoy the game!
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