The destruction of the Elder Tomb created a wave in the world of the Spirits. Nashi is sent by the powerful superiors to warn the Crow. If the Emperor does not stabilize the situation the Empire will self destruct.

Nashi returns amongst the dead to inspire a new life at Kotoba. Ready to lead the undead, firing with desire for vengeances, this character will allow you to diversify your horizons and to adapt several different playing styles, these new cards come to complete the panoply of Demon Hunters.

Rosary of Serenity. Rare. Jewel Item. Kotoba. Demon Hunter: -2 to damages received by your character. Duration: 2 fights. Activation: Chose one card from your Discard pile, it is then placed in your Deck.

Nashi (and his two upgrades). Uncommon. Character. Kotoba. Warrior. Guemelite of Fire/Undead. Demon Hunter. Spirit 1. Attack 5/8. Defense 2. Health 13. Gain Chain if you play a Jewel. If "Kyoshiro" is alive, Attack +1 and Spirit +1. Turns 3, 4 and 5: all your undead gain 2 Health points..

Fight Fire with Fire. Uncommon. Fire Spell. Kotoba. Mage. If the opposing character is not Human he suffers X Magic damages where X is equal to his max Attack divide by 2 (rounded down). If the opposing character is Human, your character has Defense +X where X is equal to his Spirit. Demon Hunter: +2 to the effects of this card.

Evil Eye. Common. Action. Kotoba. Crow: Attack +2 until the end of the Turn. Demon Hunter: Spirit +1 until the end of the Turn. Attaches to the opposing character. The cards played by this character cannot modify its Spirit or Defense. Duration : 2 fights. Chain.

Pray to Spirits. Common. Action. Kotoba. An Item attached to each Human is discarded. A non-Item card attached to each non human is discarded. Demon Hunter: Chain.

Winter Truce. Common. Action. Each character has attack - X if they are not an Ice Elf nor an undead, where X is 6 minus his defense.

Enjoy the Game!

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