We have sorted out, and erased the automatic messages (tournament, marketplace, etc) which had been emitted more than a month ago. What's more the automatic messages will not be kept more than a month, after that, they will be erased.

The wrong calculation for the warrior's heritage bonus problem has been solved.

The chain problem concerning the War of the Gods has been fixed.

You can now make the crystal that shows the number of turns disappear by moving the cursor on it.

We have modified certain cards so they are more easy to understand. They still function the same way, we have only changed the texts to make them clearer.

The modifications concern:

The cards that enable you to play other cards: the expression "following cards played this turn" has been erased.

Please note that the cards played by other cards still function the same way, they activate after all the other cards. We are trying to find a way of representing it on the screen.

The cards that immediately activate items played as a chain: the sentence "activates immediately" has been replaced by "will activate immediately".

The two handed Weapons: the sentence " cannot be activated immediately by the effects of another card" will be erased. Now we refer to it on the cards that enable one to activate immediately weapons. For example for "Weapons at will", you will find "will activate immediately unless it is a Two handed Weapon".

Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
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