The Chosen

From now on and until Thursday March 22 at 9:00 AM (French time) a new trophy is available.

You can take part in the trophy during that precise lapse of time, after that it will not be possible anymore. You can also buy this trophy for 199 fee'z and acquire the title and the card associated with it.

Cumulate 80 points. You earn one point, at the start of an even turn, for each one of your Spells attached to one of your characters (you cannot earn more than 20 points, that way, during one game). You earn 10 points if, during a single game, you play an earth spell, a nature spell and a water spell, one after the other (without playing other cards in between). You will win the Kei'zan's choice card and the title of: The Chosen.

Kei'zan's choice : Action. Collector. Unique. If your character dies, the opposing characters have Attack, Defense and Spirit -1 until the end of the game. At the end of the fight, your character loses 1 Health point and your other characters gain 1 Health point. Permanent.

Enjoy the game!

Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.