The Spirit

From now on and until Thursday April 5th at 9:00 Am, a new trophy is available.

You can take part in the trophy during that precise lapse of time, after that it will not be possible anymore. You can also buy this trophy for 199 fee'z and acquire the title and the card associated with it.

Too obtain it you will have to cumulate 65 points.
You earn 1 point each time you play a game with a Deck which has no Mage nor Priest and which has a character printed Spirit sum which does not exceed 4. You earn 1 additional point each time you deal magic damages to a character whose Spirit is lower than yours. You earn 10 additional points if you play "The Crow and the Emperor" (nonrenewable gain). You win The secret of the Crow card and the title: The Crow

The secret of the Crow : Action. Collector. Unique. The secret of the Crow action unique. As this card activates and at the start of each fight, the opposing character has Spirit -1 until the end of the turn and if his Spirit equals 0, his next card is ignored. Duration: 2 fights. Chain.

Enjoy the game!