The Runic Legion
Par Eredan, Wednesday 18 April 2012 à 17:59 - iTCG - #469 - rss
New guild: The Runic Legion
The War of Sol'ra is coming to an end and the Runic Legion which comes from a far away land called Tantrad, has flung itself into the battle.
Lots of new things in this card release:
- 8 new characters
- 12 new cards
- New gameplays based on a system of runes which are particular resources reserved for the Runic Legion, that enable them to empower their cards.
- More modularity concerning Decks with the opportunity for non-character cards to evolve thanks to Runes cards. These cards can be obtained from the Eredan iTCG Adventure mode.
Runic Lord Eilos (and his two evolutions). Rare. Character. Runic legion. Archon. Warrior. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Health points 14. Gain Chain if you play a One handed Sword. Turns 1 and 4: Gains a Rune Cor.
Lord Runic Xenophon (and his two evolutions). Rare. Character. Runic legion. Archon. Warrior. War Guemelite. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Defense 1. Health points 14. Gain Chain if you play an Armor. Turns 3 and 6: Attack +1.
Power of the Colossus. Rare. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Attack +2. Rune Cor : an additional Attack +2. . Rune Cor : an additional Attack +2. . Rune Nox : The next card played by the opposing character is ignored.
Honor the enemy . Rare. Runic Theugry. Runic Legion. Priest. Deals 5 magic damages to the opposing character. Rune Nox : +2 magic damages. Rune Nox : +2 magic damages. Rune Cor : Chain.
Stamping (and its evolutions). Rare. Action. Runic Legion. Warrior. Your war Guemelites gain Rune Yr. The opposing character's Defense is divided by 4 (rounded up). Chain.
Lania, Thyrs priest (and her two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Runic Legion. Priest. Human. Spirit 2. Attack 2/5. Defense 1. Health points 12. At the start of the fight, choose one of your Runics. At the end of the fight, he will heal 2 Health points for each different type of Rune attached to your Runics. Turns 1, 5 and 6: Defense +2.
Agillian Runic Warrior (and his two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Defense 2. Health points 13. Gain Chain if you play a Spear or a Two handed Sword. Turns 1 and 3: Attack +1.
Consul Neixiriam (and his two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Runic Legion. Craftsman. War Guemelite. Spirit 1. Attack 5/8. Defense 2. Health points 15. Turns 1, 4 and 7: Attack +1 and Defense +1 until the end of the game.
Runic shield (and its two evolutions). Uncommon. Armor Item. Runic legion. Warrior/Craftsman.Activates after the fight. Permanent. Rune Nox : -3 to magic damages. Rune Cor : Attack +1 and Defense +3.
Runic Bigblade. Uncommon. Armor Item. Runic Legion. Warrior. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Attack +3. Rune Cor : an additional Attack +2. Rune Nox : an Item and a Theurgy attached to the opposing character are Discarded.
Ceremonial (and its evolution). Uncommon. Action. Runic Legion. Your Runic Warriors have Defense +1, Spirit +1 and gain a Rune Nox. Duration: 2 Turns. Human: Chain.
Blackrune (and his two evolutions). Uncommon. Runic Theurgy. Priest. Defense +3 and Spirit +3. Choose one of your Runics, he heals 3 Health points and gains a Rune Cor. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck.
Sanquinam the Kertasien (and his two evolutions). Common. Character. Runic Legion. Warrior. Human. Spirit 1. Attack 4/8. Defense 2. Health points 13. Turns 2, 3, 5 et 6 : Defense +1.
Coranthia, Nemaria worshiper (and her two evolutions). Common. Character. Runic Legion. Priest/Craftsman. Human. Spirit 2. Attack 4/6. Defense 1. Health points 13. Turns 1 and 5: Defense +1.
Loquitus Runic warrior (and his two evolutions). Common. Character/ Runic Legion. Warrior. War Guemelite. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Defense 2. Health points 14. Gain Chain if you play a Two handed Weapon. Attack +1 until the end of the game each time "Stamping" is activated. Turns 2 and 3: Defense +1.
Who wants peace... (and its two evolutions). Common. Action.Runic Legion. Spirit +1 and gains two Rune Yr. Chain: "... prepares for war".
....prepares for war. Common. Action. Runic Legion. Defense +1. Permanent. A Weapon from your Deck is placed in your Hand. Rune Nox : this Weapon is played.
Runic power (and its two evolutions). Common. Action. Runic Legion. Archon: gains a Rune Cor. Attack +1 for each Rune attached to a character. Chain.
War cry (and its two evolutions). Commune. Action. Runic legion. 4 Runic cards from your Discard pile are placed in your Deck. Priest: Chain. Choose one of your characters, he gains Rune Cor.
Centorium helmet. Common. Other item. Runic Legion. Warrior/Craftsman/Priest. Permanent. Permanent. One copy of this card per character only. As this card activates and at the start of each fight, this character obtains his Order bonus if he doesn't have it yet. If played by "Consul Neixiram": Defense +1.
Enjoy the game!
Eredan iTCG, Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.Find this also on Facebook !
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