Don't play alone anymore! Eredan iTCG players, time has come to unit!

The Eredan iTCG team is proud to announce you the launching of the Clan Module.
You'd like to play with others and share your game experience with players that have the same game spirit as yours, or simply with your friends?
Work together to increase the reputation of your clan, complete the Clan trophies together to gain specific Crystals and obtain exceptional collective bonuses!

From today onwards, you have the opportunity to create or join a Clan by clicking on the new dedicated window.
To obtain more information about the Clan functioning, we invite you to read this page where you will find the answers to the main questions you might have : Click here to read the Clan Module FAQ.

In order to celebrate this event, all the players will receive the card: "Clan's Signet Ring". To obtain it, connect to your Eredan iTCG account and open the "CLAN" window.

Enjoy the game!

Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.
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