Amnezy Tournament Results
Par Eredan, Sunday 10 March 2013 à 17:00 - iTCG - #841 - rss
Amnezy Tournament
Here are the winners of the last week Tournaments.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [SYN] le_troll, [Dra] paradox23, [CdE] Vitor Bafoni, [ToW] valefort, [TKZ] ll_Roar_ll, [ToW] Sushi75, [Leg] jochaxd, [ROC] wujey, [CMM] Adolfplata, [FdS] Antripus.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [SRM] Renderak, [111] *ITACHI*, [SRM] Ellias, [ROC] Taunes, [CsT] raph0307.
Win the artwork card Gust: [ToW] antzkiller.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [ToW] antzkiller, [chi] 风流一刀, [CsT] Luxo2011, Nockout14, [BDT] kxpereira.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [FCD] Tub_Yaj, [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera, [CdE] Zenske, [ROC] Taunes, MrPYK, [LRG] Jules18230, [chi] elvaist00, [111] *ITACHI*, [BDT] Jonathan Davis, [GER] Martl.
Win the artwork card Gust: [chi] heroblddd.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [111] *ITACHI*, [ROC] talent, [CsT] Karlick_Karlicko, [BDT] kxpereira, Duv.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CdE] Zenske, [CDC] statics, [111] Wild_Steed, [MAS] Neej, [Pot], [IOS] Leoser, [GER] AFF3AUFDR0G3N, [ROC] 逆千年, [SMS] Tonain, [CMM] Jonatan nunez.
Win the artwork card Gust: [IOS] Stiss.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [IOS] Sorren~, [CMM] Overshaker, [KGB] Daniele_Donkinder, [ToW] SID57, MrPYK, [EDD] Julian94, [SMS] dondeditto, [CsT] Tétégauche.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [EDD] Njap_Aguilar, [Aks] Dart1, [FdS] Anpergo, [CNE] bakuyan101, [EDD] Maneiro1, [GER] Martl, [111] zarakri kenpachi, [GER] Nachtfalke, [PIL] Dawvid, [ROC] wujey, [IOS] kane_filmore, [EDD] Tivens_Elpoeta, [ROC] 逆千年, [GoD] Seibeizehn, [Kel] The Dark Captain.
Win the artwork card Gust: [EXY] Nihl31140, [ROC] springyeah.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
Quilingo Tournament has finished the 03/10/2013 08:00
1st | [CMM] (Elo 1739) | 1st | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1619) | |
2nd | [Dra] paradox23 (Elo 1735) | 2nd | [Dra] Clan du Dragon (Elo 1612) | |
3rd | [Dra] ShanYeShou (Elo 1704) | 3rd | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1597) | |
4th | [CsT] Tétégauche (Elo 1703) | 4th | [TKZ] TEKZ - Pinoy Eredan Players (Elo 1592) | |
5th | [111] Wild_Steed (Elo 1701) | 5th | [111] star war (Elo 1588) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [SRM] Renderak, [111] *ITACHI*, [SRM] Ellias, [ROC] Taunes, [CsT] raph0307.
Win the artwork card Gust: [ToW] antzkiller.
Quilingo Tournament has finished the 03/08/2013 02:00
1st | [chi] zhangshian (Elo 1751) | 1st | [chi] 龙组 (Elo 1663) | |
2nd | [chi] heroblddd (Elo 1739) | 2nd | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1615) | |
3rd | [chi] blacksu (Elo 1720) | 3rd | [GER] Geredan (Elo 1601) | |
4th | [CDC] statics (Elo 1718) | 4th | [EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1584) | |
5th | [111] Wild_Steed (Elo 1696) | 5th | [ROC] The Avengers (Elo 1578) |
Win the artwork card Blind test : [FCD] Tub_Yaj, [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera, [CdE] Zenske, [ROC] Taunes, MrPYK, [LRG] Jules18230, [chi] elvaist00, [111] *ITACHI*, [BDT] Jonathan Davis, [GER] Martl.
Win the artwork card Gust: [chi] heroblddd.
Quilingo Tournament has finished the 03/05/2013 20:00
1st | [Leg] jochaxd (Elo 1756) | 1st | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1652) | |
2nd | [CdE] Zenske (Elo 1740) | 2nd | [GER] Geredan (Elo 1624) | |
3rd | [CsT] Tétégauche (Elo 1710) | 3rd | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1599) | |
4th | [IOS] Stiss (Elo 1709) | 4th | [ROC] The Avengers (Elo 1594) | |
5th | [GER] SnapcasterMage (Elo 1708) | 5th | [TKZ] TEKZ - Pinoy Eredan Players (Elo 1591) |
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CdE] Zenske, [CDC] statics, [111] Wild_Steed, [MAS] Neej, [Pot], [IOS] Leoser, [GER] AFF3AUFDR0G3N, [ROC] 逆千年, [SMS] Tonain, [CMM] Jonatan nunez.
Win the artwork card Gust: [IOS] Stiss.
Amnezy Tournament has finished the 03/10/2013 17:00
1st | [IOS] Sorren~ (Elo 1936) | 1st | [EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1805) | |
2nd | [EDD] Njap_Aguilar (Elo 1902) | 2nd | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1789) | |
3rd | [Aks] Dart1 (Elo 1874) | 3rd | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1779) | |
4th | [CMM] Overshaker (Elo 1857) | 4th | [ROC] The Avengers (Elo 1753) | |
5th | [EXY] Psylo (Elo 1832) | 5th | [BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1746) | |
6th | [EDD] Finku (Elo 1830) | 6th | [EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1731) | |
7th | [FdS] Anpergo (Elo 1822) | 7th | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1725) | |
8th | [BDT] Gilmar_Junio (Elo 1819) | 8th | [Aks] Aksu les Eaux Blanches (Elo 1720) | |
9th | [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli (Elo 1814) | 9th | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1712) | |
10th | [Aks] Sahtivah (Elo 1811) | 10th | [GER] Geredan (Elo 1705) |
Win the artwork card Blind test : [EDD] Njap_Aguilar, [Aks] Dart1, [FdS] Anpergo, [CNE] bakuyan101, [EDD] Maneiro1, [GER] Martl, [111] zarakri kenpachi, [GER] Nachtfalke, [PIL] Dawvid, [ROC] wujey, [IOS] kane_filmore, [EDD] Tivens_Elpoeta, [ROC] 逆千年, [GoD] Seibeizehn, [Kel] The Dark Captain.
Win the artwork card Gust: [EXY] Nihl31140, [ROC] springyeah.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
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