Final Results of the Fan Cards 2013
Par Eredan, Monday 8 April 2013 à 17:18 - iTCG - #878 - rss
Here are the final results! After several weeks of deliberations, of passionate debates, of discussions around a nice cup of coffee, here are the conclusions of the fan cards 2013. Given the enthusiasm you have shown for the contest and given the number of participants, we have revised some of the prizes upwards. The number of crystals won by participants from rank 4 to ran 10 have been doubled.
Current characteristics of the character: Kasai. Character. Kotoba. Mage/Warrior. Fire Guemelite. Male. Spirit 2. Attack 5/7. Defense 2. Health points 15. If an opponent suffers Fire Magic Damage, one of your characters gains Spirit +1 until the end of the game. Your Kotoba Mages have -1 to damage suffered. Tours 2, 3, 5 and 6: If you play a Kotoba Item, a Fire Spell from your Hand is played.
Arachnée tisseuse de nehant (Anne_Kerbaul) Lady Zhenya (Sirc_villaelalba) Onodrim (Loloic59) Nezim the shaman (Carlo_Borella) Milinne (Liockum) Devyn et Doryan (Alyz_Lydhell) Dihma, which mummifies (Puigx)
What's more, 7 participations have caught the eye of the staff members even though they were not cohsen to be part of the top ten cards. These are the staff's mentions, they win 1000 crystals. Here are the lucky ones: Kamarastra (Andrew_Teguh), Blueblerry (MewMewZone), Takamaru, flawseeker's heir (Gedjn), Leaviatria, la Psalmodieuse (X-Tsuzurao-X), Le Fouettard (scrang), Râ Xephon (Rah-Xephon) et Vashra (Jace_Beleren).
Enjoy the game!
Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.Find the game also onFacebook !
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