Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 05/25/2013 21:00

1st[GER] SnapcasterMage (Elo 1752)1st[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1623)
2nd[Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1744)2nd[ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1600)
3rd[ToW] jezz5 (Elo 1741)3rd[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1599)
4th[BDT] Maximilhan (Elo 1711)4th[GER] Geredan (Elo 1564)
5th[FFF] - Tichan - (Elo 1700)5th[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1547)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [GER] SnapcasterMage, [oOo] Timeria, [FFF] - Tichan -, [PIL] Bru_Tus, [FCD] korgul, [Fr] Isawa_Agawa, [BDT] julyboy, Hell_N, [ToW] antzkiller, [BDT] williamwizzzi.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [CNE] El Guerrero de Gaia, [BDT] Letmus_Eredan, [CHW] 重新开始吧, [EDD] hitman360, [ToW] Sushi75.
Win the artwork card Gust: [VsP] MkVenner.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 05/23/2013 15:00

1st[CNE] El Guerrero de Gaia (Elo 1733)1st[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1621)
2nd[Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1725)2nd[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1611)
3rd[GER] SnapcasterMage (Elo 1718)3rd[GER] Geredan (Elo 1610)
4th[CHW] Leebinjkj (Elo 1713)4th[chi] 龙组 (Elo 1602)
5th[FCD] korgul (Elo 1713)5th[ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1601)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [GER] ghoustfaize, [kod] Cormag, [CNE] mciampone, [MAS] Jeod, [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera, [Fr] aximilicala, [chi] tailo, 秦昊天orz, [ToW] valefort, [chi] dw54521.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [SYN] Baba_Bibi, [TKZ] Dy_Ken, [KTB] Hector_Perez_Sosa, [chi] henrylukerer, [CsT] h4ndy.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FCD] Rhaziell.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 05/21/2013 09:00

1st[GER] SnapcasterMage (Elo 1768)1st[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1650)
2nd[Fr] David_Christophe (Elo 1758)2nd[GER] Geredan (Elo 1614)
3rd[CNE] El Guerrero de Gaia (Elo 1734)3rd[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1603)
4th[CNE] statics (Elo 1734)4th[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1596)
5th[GER] TheRainMan (Elo 1721)5th[EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1594)
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Fr] David_Christophe, [Fr] Aurélie_Simon, [SYN] JInDaMix, [111] *ITACHI*, [SRM] Vantinal.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [EDD] hitman360, [FCD] Rhaziell, [CsT] raph0307, [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [JCM] feune, [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli, [MAS] CalicoDan, [BDT] Gallant-, [BDT] williamwizzzi, [EXY] Dandy.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] john snow.

  Amnezy Tournament ended on 05/26/2013 18:00

1st[BDT] williamwizzzi (Elo 1873)1st[IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1761)
2nd[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1866)2nd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1744)
3rd[CMM] Alberto_Calavia (Elo 1845)3rd[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1722)
4th[IOS] InGa (Elo 1829)4th[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1717)
5th[Kel] klou1991 (Elo 1814)5th[Kel] KELEVRA (Elo 1714)
6thandyma (Elo 1806)6th[EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1701)
7thBallack (Elo 1801)7th[CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1680)
8th[GER] Dark Damon (Elo 1787)8th[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1677)
9th[IOS] Kanini_Molari (Elo 1787)9th[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1677)
10thRazelle (Elo 1785)10th[EDF] Enviados del Fenix (Elo 1670)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [BDT] williamwizzzi, [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, [CMM] Alberto_Calavia, [Kel] klou1991, andyma, Ballack, [CMM] Tecla, [ToW] jezz5, [SMS] dondeditto, [MAS] CalicoDan, [EXY] idkant, [Kel] Harkness, [IOS] Kid Darkness, [PIL] Mark64, [SYN] Baba_Bibi.
Win the artwork card Triumph: Razelle, [PIL] Gianluca_Fragomeli, [IOS] The Capo, [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli, [MAS] Vegeth86, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [SMS] Mac_Baren, [OFF] eulercillo.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] Jeod, [FCD] Coburg.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
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