Tournament Results
Par Eredan, Sunday 2 June 2013 à 17:00 - iTCG - #936 - rss
Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [EDF] Kenhar, [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [FCD] korgul, [CsT] Luxo2011, [CsT] SUSHISUSHI, happyboy, [SRM] Vantinal, [CNE] platino, [ToW] valefort, [Fr] David_Christophe.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [ToW] jezz5, [gek] moundo, [chi] dw54521, [kod] razorbak25, [Kel] PierXD.
Win the artwork card Gust: [B4U] AKDII.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [ToW] valefort, [CsT] SUSHISUSHI, [FdS] Myrddin_Emrys, [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera, Melyx.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [ToW] Dilack, [EDF] Kenhar, tiju001, [BoG] nicomoa, [FH] ioxygen, EPMAK XXI BEK, [chi] henrylukerer, [111] *ITACHI*, [AL] Raglatae, [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] Babirex.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [TKZ] Dy_Ken, Aattan, [ToW] jezz5, [FFF] - Tichan -, [IOS] Kid Darkness, [EDD] hitman360, [KTB] Enrique_Miguel_Perez_Sanchez, [SRM] Vantinal, [SYN] Gojira, [BDT] Gilmar_Junio.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [chi] henrylukerer, [CNE] cayotesp, [SRM] Chairface, Bagadul, boucksmito.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FdS] Myrddin_Emrys.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [SMS] dondeditto, [IOS] Gianluigi_Depaola, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [FCD] Coburg, [Fr] I3oris, [MAS] john snow, Tyroam, [CMM] Tecla, [BDT] copacds, [FFF] wights nigths, [MAS] Xehanort97, [OFF] Carlos_Bagüi_Quintero, [Fpb] HeavyArms, [CNE] Jesus_Efrain_Rosado, [ToW] Razelle.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Dra] tijean, [BDT] Gilmar_Junio, [ToW] valefort, [FdS] andyma, [ToW] jezz5, [111] zarakri kenpachi, [Kel] Cronoares, [MAS] Phawk.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] Enrico_Leone, [SMS] Sightrasher.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
Quilingo Tournament ended on 06/01/2013 15:00
1st | [CMM] O Biosbardo (Elo 1730) | 1st | [ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1603) | |
2nd | [EDF] Kenhar (Elo 1727) | 2nd | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1597) | |
3rd | [ToW] jezz5 (Elo 1719) | 3rd | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1586) | |
4th | [CNE] statics (Elo 1718) | 4th | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1574) | |
5th | [Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1712) | 5th | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1562) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [ToW] jezz5, [gek] moundo, [chi] dw54521, [kod] razorbak25, [Kel] PierXD.
Win the artwork card Gust: [B4U] AKDII.
Quilingo Tournament ended on 05/30/2013 09:00
1st | [CMM] O Biosbardo (Elo 1743) | 1st | [ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1583) | |
2nd | [FCD] korgul (Elo 1730) | 2nd | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1563) | |
3rd | [CNE] statics (Elo 1711) | 3rd | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1563) | |
4th | [EDF] Kenhar (Elo 1708) | 4th | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1560) | |
5th | [CsT] SUSHISUSHI (Elo 1703) | 5th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1555) |
Win the artwork card Blind test : [ToW] Dilack, [EDF] Kenhar, tiju001, [BoG] nicomoa, [FH] ioxygen, EPMAK XXI BEK, [chi] henrylukerer, [111] *ITACHI*, [AL] Raglatae, [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] Babirex.
Quilingo Tournament ended on 05/28/2013 03:00
1st | [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli (Elo 1724) | 1st | [ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1591) | |
2nd | [CNE] statics (Elo 1719) | 2nd | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1567) | |
3rd | [Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1714) | 3rd | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1557) | |
4th | [FCD] korgul (Elo 1700) | 4th | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1550) | |
5th | [EDF] Kenhar (Elo 1664) | 5th | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1542) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [chi] henrylukerer, [CNE] cayotesp, [SRM] Chairface, Bagadul, boucksmito.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FdS] Myrddin_Emrys.
Amnezy Tournament ended on 06/02/2013 18:00
1st | [GoD] Lev_Spiridonov (Elo 1875) | 1st | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1764) | |
2nd | [SMS] dondeditto (Elo 1841) | 2nd | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1735) | |
3rd | [Dra] tijean (Elo 1838) | 3rd | [SMS] The Predators (Elo 1722) | |
4th | [IOS] Gianluigi_Depaola (Elo 1836) | 4th | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1721) | |
5th | [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini (Elo 1831) | 5th | [BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1716) | |
6th | [EDD] hitman360 (Elo 1821) | 6th | [ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1714) | |
7th | [FCD] Coburg (Elo 1811) | 7th | [111] star war (Elo 1684) | |
8th | [IOS] Kid Darkness (Elo 1803) | 8th | [Kel] KELEVRA (Elo 1672) | |
9th | [IOS] Eghil (Elo 1799) | 9th | [EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1672) | |
10th | [BDT] Gilmar_Junio (Elo 1790) | 10th | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1668) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Dra] tijean, [BDT] Gilmar_Junio, [ToW] valefort, [FdS] andyma, [ToW] jezz5, [111] zarakri kenpachi, [Kel] Cronoares, [MAS] Phawk.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] Enrico_Leone, [SMS] Sightrasher.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
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