Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/07/2013 15:00

1st[IOS] Read (Elo 1730)1st[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1619)
2nd[Dra] ShanYeShou (Elo 1716)2nd[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1605)
3rd[Fr] I3oris (Elo 1716)3rd[IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1590)
4th[MAS] Matteo_Mordonini (Elo 1714)4th[chi] 龙组 (Elo 1581)
5th[IOS] Vinny21 (Elo 1712)5th[EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1569)
Win the artwork card Blind test : VeryTRT, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [MAS] Marko_Spinn, [MAS] Jeod, [FdS] Antripus, Nohan_Ggoa, [Kel] KoRoSS909, [EXY] Sushi75, [Kel] PierXD, [MAS] john snow.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Fr] I3oris, [CON] Marco_Lepore, [CsT] Anne_Kerbaul, [Bat] SpeciousASECINO, [IOS] parolaiz.
Win the artwork card Gust: [SRM] Renderak.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/05/2013 09:00

1st[CNE] statics (Elo 1735)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1624)
2nd[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1725)2nd[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1588)
3rd[OFF] Blastsinger (Elo 1716)3rd[chi] 龙组 (Elo 1566)
4th[Fpb] Lucas_Portes (Elo 1679)4th[CsT] Consortium (Elo 1564)
5th[Kel] PierXD (Elo 1669)5th[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1561)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [Leg] Jeisson_Cortes, arkkis23, [FCD] sac2611, [ROA] MattewsM, 小豆宝宝, [SMS] korgul, [SRM] Vantinal, [SMS] Leo_Lorusso, [IOS] Kid Darkness, [Fr] I3oris.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Kel] PierXD, [CsT] SUSHISUSHI, [Th] beowulf6833, [HKF] XXxiixXX, [Bat] SpeciousASECINO.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FdS] Antripus.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/03/2013 03:00

1st[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1742)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1606)
2nd[OFF] Blastsinger (Elo 1729)2nd[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1590)
3rd[CNE] statics (Elo 1719)3rd[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1573)
4th[Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1715)4th[GER] Geredan (Elo 1572)
5th[HKF] XXxiixXX (Elo 1714)5th[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1568)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CNE] mciampone, [FH] hachin, [Fr] Aslan_Muratli, [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [Kel] •ψ•_Νuвε_•ψ•, [AL] Nemingway, [CNE] platino, [SMS] korgul, cap_sagara, [REG] Mosda.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, [chi] dw54521, [Fpb] Bolta, [TFC] Hung_Truong, [chi] zearthnn.
Win the artwork card Gust: [EDM] 姑射.

  Amnezy Tournament ended on 07/07/2013 18:00

1st[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1903)1st[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1779)
2nd[CMM] Jonatan nunez (Elo 1873)2nd[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1773)
3rd[chi] xxllff2000 (Elo 1867)3rd[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1763)
4th[IOS] Kid Darkness (Elo 1837)4th[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1749)
5th[SYN] Azube (Elo 1833)5th[IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1749)
6th[CNE] Andres_Lopez2341 (Elo 1829)6th[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1731)
7th[CNE] bakuyan101 (Elo 1824)7th[EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1717)
8th[ToW] Razelle (Elo 1807)8th[111] star war (Elo 1715)
9th[OFF] DarkJustin (Elo 1806)9th[CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1708)
10th[IOS] parolaiz (Elo 1804)10th[chi] 龙组 (Elo 1705)
Win the artwork card Triumph: [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, [CNE] Andres_Lopez2341, [SMS] Sightrasher, [GER] TheRainMan, [MAS] ShaOne, [SMS] Tonain, [FCD] Coburg, [Dra] tijean.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CMM] Jonatan nunez, [CNE] bakuyan101, [ToW] Razelle, [OFF] DarkJustin, [IOS] parolaiz, [CNE] Antonio_Alonso, [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler, [MAS] john snow, [BDT] Alison Davi, [Aks] Khouloud_Najjar, [IOS] Giulio_Cremona, [FCD] Noongah, [OFF] eulercillo, [Aks] Fraise63800, [EDD] ::Leo-_-Gonzalez::.
Win the artwork card Gust: [BDT] Telhones, [Jim] Gianluca_Marconato.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
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