Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/14/2013 09:00

1st[SMS] Vasco91 (Elo 1695)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1579)
2nd[Fr] I3oris (Elo 1681)2nd[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1575)
3rd[CNE] Nktar (Elo 1674)3rd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1573)
4th[Fpb] Lucas_Portes (Elo 1670)4th[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1554)
5th[IOS] Vinny21 (Elo 1657)5th[Fpb] Fair players br (Elo 1550)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CNE] Nktar, [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, [ROC] 唯堯_洪, [Leg] Jeisson_Cortes, [111] *ITACHI*, [FCD] sac2611, [EDM] 姑射, br1990, [LRG] Cairo97, egil.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [IOS] Vinny21, [KTB] Juanmi_Espejo_Torres, [CHW] 重新开始吧, [SYN] Damien_Bizard, [MAS] john snow.
Win the artwork card Gust: [chi] henrylukerer.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/12/2013 03:00

1st[Fpb] Lucas_Portes (Elo 1721)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1627)
2nd[ShR] -GatoNegro- (Elo 1708)2nd[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1587)
3rd[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1703)3rd[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1583)
4th[SMS] NON_fumate! (Elo 1698)4th[CsT] Consortium (Elo 1580)
5th[Fr] I3oris (Elo 1693)5th[EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1575)
Win the artwork card Triumph: [KTB] Alejandro_Ferrandez_Sirvent, [SRM] Vantinal, francb12, [EXY] Aspegic, [MAS] Vegeth86.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [ShR] -GatoNegro-, [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, tiju001, [IOS] Marco_Vanini, [EDM] Chaos2012, [Kel] Cronoares, [T2] 小兔兔, [EDF] ehros, [WEW] Michele_Narcisi, [CsT] Luxo2011.
Win the artwork card Gust: [BDT] Gilmar_Junio.

  Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/09/2013 21:00

1st[IOS] parolaiz (Elo 1764)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1610)
2nd[Bat] SpeciousASECINO (Elo 1759)2nd[CsT] Consortium (Elo 1595)
3rd[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1724)3rd[IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1590)
4th[Fr] I3oris (Elo 1717)4th[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1584)
5th[BDT] Gilmar_Junio (Elo 1696)5th[Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1580)
Win the artwork card Triumph: [GER] DarkHarlequin, [EXY] idkant, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, Nohan_Ggoa, br1990.
Win the artwork card Blind test : JoOo, [KTB] Alejandro_Ferrandez_Sirvent, [EDF] ehros, [CsT] h4ndy, [Eoi] Daniele_Bonfortuni, [Leg] Jeisson_Cortes, [EXY] Aspegic, [CsT] SUSHISUSHI, [Kel] Cronoares, [MAS] Xehanort97.
Win the artwork card Gust: [Fr] pop.

  Amnezy Tournament ended on 07/14/2013 18:00

1st[OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1882)1st[OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1804)
2nd[OFF] Blastsinger (Elo 1850)2nd[SMS] The Predators (Elo 1753)
3rd[CMM] Exequiel_Isoler (Elo 1831)3rd[111] star war (Elo 1753)
4th[CMM] Jonatan nunez (Elo 1830)4th[IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1752)
5th[CNE] bakuyan101 (Elo 1826)5th[CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1723)
6th[CNE] Antonio_Alonso (Elo 1817)6th[MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1706)
7th[CES] luisjordano (Elo 1813)7th[CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1706)
8th[CNE] statics (Elo 1811)8th[ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1700)
9th[OFF] dead_brack (Elo 1808)9th[BDT] Bode Team (Elo 1694)
10th[OFF] Deivid1 (Elo 1804)10th[FCD] Fight Club D (Elo 1683)
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler, [CMM] Jonatan nunez, [CES] luisjordano, [OFF] dead_brack, [OFF] Deivid1, [IOS] Kid Darkness, [OFF] DarkJustin, [OFF] Tivens_Elpoeta, [EDD] ::Leo-_-Gonzalez::, [FCD] Shanti_Dumitru, [ToW] valefort, [SMS] hitman360, [EDD] Njap_Aguilar, [CES] shion_de_Aries, [OFF] Jonathan_Varga.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [CNE] Antonio_Alonso, [SMS] Mac_Baren, [MAS] Samblo, [Aks] Khouloud_Najjar, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [Jim] Principe di Golconda, [MAS] john snow, [GER] TheRainMan.
Win the artwork card Gust: [BDT] morllok, [SMS] kaio78.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
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