Tournament Results
Par Eredan, Sunday 21 July 2013 à 17:00 - iTCG - #985 - rss
Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres, [EXY] idkant, [ROC] 竣育_蘇, EPMAK XXI BEK, [lkj] rikfort, [ToW] Dilack, [CML] Lord_Os, [T2] 小兔兔, [WON] Alpha Hunter, [CES] luisjordano.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [SMS] Vasco91, egil, [Jim] Althor12, [gek] francb12, [SMS] Tonain.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FFF] wights nigths.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [OFF] Metzen, [111] corneto4, [T2] 小兔兔, [CMM] feres3, [Eoi] ciapasSaChiapas, [Dra] ShanYeShou, [AYC] Hulk Red, [Fr] pop, [ROC] 竣育_蘇, [GoD] Axeilss$Revenge.
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] -Parnassus-.
Win the artwork card Triumph: 姑射, [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [ROA] MattewsM, [Fr] Bagadul, [KTB] Daniferranases.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [chi] xxllff2000, tiju001, [EXY] Dandy, [OFF] Blastsinger, [ROA] MattewsM, [GER] DarkHarlequin, [OFF] Lord_Oscuro, [tag] TRAUMAS, [TKZ] StriderxXx.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Eoi] Nathan_Mussungula, [ROC] 竣育_蘇, [chi] zearthnn, [VOV] RalphY91, heinzrüdiger.
Win the artwork card Gust: [IOS] Eghil.
Win the artwork card Blind test : [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler, [TDT] Zibril_Pirmansyah, [IOS] Eghil, [OFF] Tivens_Elpoeta, [Eoi] ciapasSaChiapas, [ToW] Razelle, [OFF] Blastsinger, [HKT] Tackfire, [SMS] NON_fumate!, [CNE] statics, [ToW] valefort, [PER] Raid_Chavez_Buendia, [OFF] eulercillo, [OFF] Carlos_Bagüi_Quintero, [SMS] Tidus82.
Win the artwork card Triumph: [CES] luisjordano, [111] ARS-ART, [CMM] Jonatan nunez, [OFF] dead_brack, [Kel] Cronoares, [GER] TheRainMan, [Leg] spitfire_x, [OFF] Deivid1.
Win the artwork card Gust: [Fpb] Saullocxsa, [Th] Gee_Viwathanatepa.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/21/2013 03:00
1st | [111] corneto4 (Elo 1768) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1617) | |
2nd | [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1737) | 2nd | [SMS] The Predators (Elo 1596) | |
3rd | [SMS] Vasco91 (Elo 1710) | 3rd | [ROA] Rise Of Apocalypse (Elo 1594) | |
4th | [ROA] rastoonneto (Elo 1707) | 4th | [KTB] Los Kotoba (Elo 1582) | |
5th | [EXY] idkant (Elo 1705) | 5th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1581) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [SMS] Vasco91, egil, [Jim] Althor12, [gek] francb12, [SMS] Tonain.
Win the artwork card Gust: [FFF] wights nigths.
Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/18/2013 21:00
1st | [111] corneto4 (Elo 1716) | 1st | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1616) | |
2nd | [SMS] Tonain (Elo 1702) | 2nd | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1601) | |
3rd | [Fpb] Lucas_Portes (Elo 1698) | 3rd | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1579) | |
4th | [Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1690) | 4th | [Eoi] End of Innocence (Elo 1576) | |
5th | [CMM] feres3 (Elo 1685) | 5th | [chi] 龙组 (Elo 1565) |
Win the artwork card Gust: [MAS] -Parnassus-.
Win the artwork card Triumph: 姑射, [Fr] Darkfoxartic, [ROA] MattewsM, [Fr] Bagadul, [KTB] Daniferranases.
Quilingo Tournament ended on 07/16/2013 15:00
1st | [Fr] I3oris (Elo 1700) | 1st | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1583) | |
2nd | [FCD] sac2611 (Elo 1690) | 2nd | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1578) | |
3rd | [MAS] CalicoDan (Elo 1682) | 3rd | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1565) | |
4th | [Fr] Darkfoxartic (Elo 1681) | 4th | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1558) | |
5th | [IOS] br1990 (Elo 1680) | 5th | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1551) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [Eoi] Nathan_Mussungula, [ROC] 竣育_蘇, [chi] zearthnn, [VOV] RalphY91, heinzrüdiger.
Win the artwork card Gust: [IOS] Eghil.
Amnezy Tournament ended on 07/21/2013 18:00
1st | [OFF] Erik_Alejandro_Gonzalez_Caceres (Elo 1857) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1777) | |
2nd | [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler (Elo 1840) | 2nd | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1753) | |
3rd | [IOS] Marco_Guccinelli (Elo 1833) | 3rd | [SMS] The Predators (Elo 1748) | |
4th | [CES] luisjordano (Elo 1826) | 4th | [111] star war (Elo 1736) | |
5th | [111] ARS-ART (Elo 1817) | 5th | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1731) | |
6th | [CMM] Jonatan nunez (Elo 1800) | 6th | [CNE] Clan NovaEra (Elo 1706) | |
7th | [TDT] Zibril_Pirmansyah (Elo 1787) | 7th | [chi] 龙组 (Elo 1699) | |
8th | [OFF] DarkJustin (Elo 1786) | 8th | [ToW] Tales of Whispers (Elo 1685) | |
9th | [IOS] Eghil (Elo 1784) | 9th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1685) | |
10th | [111] zarakri kenpachi (Elo 1771) | 10th | [Fpb] Fair players br (Elo 1684) |
Win the artwork card Triumph: [CES] luisjordano, [111] ARS-ART, [CMM] Jonatan nunez, [OFF] dead_brack, [Kel] Cronoares, [GER] TheRainMan, [Leg] spitfire_x, [OFF] Deivid1.
Win the artwork card Gust: [Fpb] Saullocxsa, [Th] Gee_Viwathanatepa.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
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