Card release: Echios
Par Eredan, Wednesday 15 January 2014 à 16:07 - iTCG - #1208 - rss
Alteration. Rare. Action. Nehantists. All the active Items attached to you or your allies become cursed. At the end of the fight, this card and 2 items from your Discard pile are placed in your Deck.
Echios. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Rare. Nehantists. Warrior. Human, Demon. Spirit 1. Attack 8/8. Defense 3. Health points 14. Gain
Bludgeon. Uncommon. Sword. Nehantists. Warrior.
Regulatory outfit. Uncommon. Item of Clothing. Kotoba. Attack and Spirit +2.
Nehantic portal. Common. Action. Nehantists. You gain your Order Bonus if you don't have it yet. Your opponent has Attack or Defense -2.
Escape. Common. Action. Warrior. Spirit +2.
Iron will. Common. war. Kotoba. Mage. The cards attached to your opponent and played by his allies are discarded. Attack +2 per Item and Defense +1 per Action or Spell among these cards.
Enjoy the game!
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