Tournament Results
Par Eredan, Sunday 2 March 2014 à 17:00 - iTCG - #1239 - rss
Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.
Win the artwork card Violent breeze: [OFF] statics, [WON] Giovanni_Molinari, [CMM] Nico_Isoler, [OFF] cap_sagara, [Kel] Andrea_Puglisi, [MAS] Marco_Sordillo, [SVE] congrio, Nohan_Ggoa, [FFF] Ethiel, [CHW] cccnnn.
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [FFF] dyonisos1, [MAS] john snow, [GoD] Joel_Montava_Casado, [111] TG_SS, [GoD] grizzles.
Win the artwork card Duel: [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera.
Win the artwork card Violent breeze: [KTB] Daniferranases, [IOS] Pepo_Opa, [Lgs] matias85, [OFF] eulercillo, [AdP] Calimero73, [Fpb] batman171, [HKT] Matthew_Sato, [Fr] fadapril, [WON] FaLLeN D. AnGeL, [111] emberjp.
Win the artwork card Duel: [IOS] ShaOne.
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [CHW] wansunwu, [VDC] Ozkr_Aloo, [MAS] Andrea_Sciuto, [KTB] Jordi_lol, [OFF] FranIBZ.
Win the artwork card Violent breeze: [111] chimbo, [OFF] statics, [WON] Costantino_Baffetti, [VDC] Cherax, [tag] copacds, [HKT] Victor Fivesquires, [EDM] Chaos2012, [WON] halfpotato, [CsT] Pck1, [EDD] Yass2xd.
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [GER] jay o jay, [GES] Jenson_Svenson, [WON] KoRoSS909, [ROC] Petitk_Kao, [ROC] Ikuyal.
Win the artwork card Duel: [OFF] eulercillo.
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [OFF] statics, [EDD] Sheishe, [EXY] idkant, [Eoi] Jack69, [SMS] Tidus82, [MAS] john snow, [tag] perro_loco, [111] Gleiner_Nascimento.
Win the artwork card Violent breeze: Dax_Rodriguezsolis, [WON] Andres_Lopez2341, [IOS] Kanini_Molari, [CMM] Dj SmiGOl, [Fpb] Alg@hell , [OFF] FranIBZ, [EDD] Yass2xd, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [CHW] 语出惊人, [AL] Raglatae, [MAS] Marco_Sordillo, Marcel_Gimenez, [Fr] salah-eddine, [MLF] caipiranha, [CMM] Nico_Isoler.
Win the artwork card Duel: [GER] jay o jay, [ROC] Condiment.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 03/02/2014 16:00
1st | [OFF] FranIBZ (Elo 1747) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1602) | |
2nd | [OFF] statics (Elo 1722) | 2nd | [BW] Blood Wolf (Elo 1591) | |
3rd | [FFF] dyonisos1 (Elo 1702) | 3rd | [GoD] Guild of Death (Elo 1588) | |
4th | [BW] shangnight (Elo 1699) | 4th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1566) | |
5th | [Kng] tarytu (Elo 1697) | 5th | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 1557) |
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [FFF] dyonisos1, [MAS] john snow, [GoD] Joel_Montava_Casado, [111] TG_SS, [GoD] grizzles.
Win the artwork card Duel: [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera.
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 02/28/2014 10:00
1st | [tag] copacds (Elo 1701) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1605) | |
2nd | Alberto_Muñoz_Juan (Elo 1700) | 2nd | [VDC] Venganza de los Caídos (Elo 1574) | |
3rd | [OFF] statics (Elo 1689) | 3rd | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 1560) | |
4th | [gtd] malianop (Elo 1682) | 4th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1555) | |
5th | [ToW] telk (Elo 1678) | 5th | [BW] Blood Wolf (Elo 1553) |
Win the artwork card Duel: [IOS] ShaOne.
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [CHW] wansunwu, [VDC] Ozkr_Aloo, [MAS] Andrea_Sciuto, [KTB] Jordi_lol, [OFF] FranIBZ.
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 02/26/2014 04:00
1st | [OFF] cap_sagara (Elo 1688) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1627) | |
2nd | [OFF] statics (Elo 1686) | 2nd | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 1598) | |
3rd | [OFF] FranIBZ (Elo 1682) | 3rd | [VDC] Venganza de los Caídos (Elo 1588) | |
4th | [WON] FaLLeN D. AnGeL (Elo 1681) | 4th | [Fr] La Fraternité (Elo 1568) | |
5th | Alberto_Muñoz_Juan (Elo 1681) | 5th | [chi] 龙组 (Elo 1565) |
Win the artwork card Thousands of birds : [GER] jay o jay, [GES] Jenson_Svenson, [WON] KoRoSS909, [ROC] Petitk_Kao, [ROC] Ikuyal.
Win the artwork card Duel: [OFF] eulercillo.
Amnezy Tournament that ended on 03/02/2014 17:00
1st | [EDD] nahum el yugi master (Elo 1881) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1752) | |
2nd | [OFF] statics (Elo 1874) | 2nd | [EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1750) | |
3rd | Dax_Rodriguezsolis (Elo 1871) | 3rd | [111] star war (Elo 1693) | |
4th | [SMS] dondeditto (Elo 1833) | 4th | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1686) | |
5th | [111] Andrews_Arthur (Elo 1831) | 5th | [IOS] ITALIAN OLD SCHOOL (Elo 1684) | |
6th | [IOS] InGa (Elo 1824) | 6th | [tag] lutadores da liberdade (Elo 1670) | |
7th | [EDD] Sheishe (Elo 1823) | 7th | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 1663) | |
8th | [CNE] bakuyan101 (Elo 1783) | 8th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1662) | |
9th | [CMM] O Biosbardo (Elo 1783) | 9th | [SMS] The Predators (Elo 1643) | |
10th | [WON] Andres_Lopez2341 (Elo 1775) | 10th | [GER] Geredan (Elo 1641) |
Win the artwork card Violent breeze: Dax_Rodriguezsolis, [WON] Andres_Lopez2341, [IOS] Kanini_Molari, [CMM] Dj SmiGOl, [Fpb] Alg@hell , [OFF] FranIBZ, [EDD] Yass2xd, [MAS] Matteo_Mordonini, [CHW] 语出惊人, [AL] Raglatae, [MAS] Marco_Sordillo, Marcel_Gimenez, [Fr] salah-eddine, [MLF] caipiranha, [CMM] Nico_Isoler.
Win the artwork card Duel: [GER] jay o jay, [ROC] Condiment.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
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