Tournament Results
Par Eredan, Sunday 22 June 2014 à 17:00 - iTCG - #1283 - rss
Here are the winners of last week's Tournaments.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [EXY] dyonisos1, [RSL] Kcolraw, [CMM] luisjordano, [689] 重新开始吧, [EDD] nahum el yugi master, [CsT] Yriclame, [BoG] nicomoa, [CsT] valefort, [tag] bradockSC, [WON] KoRoSS909.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [WON] Calandra.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [PM] Jhonatan_da_Luz, [EXY] Sushi75, [WR] carteapuce, [VOE] acepaolo, [LHZ] ivantxuGD.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [CsT] raph0307, [CMM] Shiki-_-, [CMM] Nico_Isoler, [OFF] Ferchita, [IEA] Pepo_Opa, upclimber, Tsumu, [GoD] grizzles, [tag] perro_loco, [CHW] 聆听.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: Crabbe, [lcu] arcantos2012, [689] 姑射, [FFF] Ethiel, [CsT] valefort.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [EXY] Aspegic.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [689] 星の神话, Maverick_Ista, [gem] inssane arlequin, [689] franzkafka, batman171, [111] emberjp, [FFF] I3 i cI u L e, [EXY] poppen94, [EXY] Sushi75, [Dra] Ethana.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [689] devil_ji, [KTB] Daniferranases, [LGA] Maru_DK, [EDD] nahum el yugi master, [EXY] Aspegic.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [MAS] john snow.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [111] klou1991, [OFF] statics, [CMM] Dj SmiGOl, [GoD] Lev_Spiridonov, [tag] perro_loco, [SF] Jordi_Serrano_Cabrera, [IEP] cc3090, [OFF] Keko_Alvarez_González.
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ODI] LEDERNIEREMPEREUR, [CsT] valefort, [CMM] Nico_Isoler, [111] Diwo, [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler, [ad] Lunesombre, [MAS] br1990, [CHW] 聆听, [Fr] Pepe_Dea, [WON] Giovanni_Molinari, [Apu] Pablo_Widder, [CMM] Candelinho, [OFF] Carlos_Bagüi_Quintero, [OFF] SpeciousASECINO, [PM] kyzydar.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [CMM] luisjordano, yannsolo2001.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 06/20/2014 23:00
1st | [OFF] statics (Elo 1690) | 1st | [111] star war (Elo 1573) | |
2nd | [EXY] dyonisos1 (Elo 1670) | 2nd | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1571) | |
3rd | [Goo] Kimic0 (Elo 1624) | 3rd | [EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1561) | |
4th | minishu1 (Elo 1624) | 4th | [WON] Wonderland (Elo 1557) | |
5th | [OFF] Ferchita (Elo 1623) | 5th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1543) |
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [WON] Calandra.
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [PM] Jhonatan_da_Luz, [EXY] Sushi75, [WR] carteapuce, [VOE] acepaolo, [LHZ] ivantxuGD.
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 06/18/2014 17:00
1st | [111] LuCiAAA (Elo 1695) | 1st | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1577) | |
2nd | [CMM] Shiki-_- (Elo 1681) | 2nd | [EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1560) | |
3rd | [CMM] Nico_Isoler (Elo 1676) | 3rd | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1553) | |
4th | [Goo] Kimic0 (Elo 1676) | 4th | [GoD] Guild of Death (Elo 1550) | |
5th | [GoD] dobrink (Elo 1671) | 5th | [CHW] Tiger (Elo 1547) |
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: Crabbe, [lcu] arcantos2012, [689] 姑射, [FFF] Ethiel, [CsT] valefort.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [EXY] Aspegic.
Quilingo Tournament that ended on 06/16/2014 11:00
1st | yannsolo2001 (Elo 1687) | 1st | [CHW] Tiger (Elo 1572) | |
2nd | [OFF] statics (Elo 1681) | 2nd | [CsT] Consortium (Elo 1569) | |
3rd | [Goo] Kimic0 (Elo 1645) | 3rd | [EXY] Exyleme (Elo 1557) | |
4th | [WON] Calandra (Elo 1638) | 4th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1550) | |
5th | minishu1 (Elo 1629) | 5th | [KTB] Los Kotoba (Elo 1544) |
Win the artwork card Clumsiness: [689] devil_ji, [KTB] Daniferranases, [LGA] Maru_DK, [EDD] nahum el yugi master, [EXY] Aspegic.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [MAS] john snow.
Amnezy Tournament that ended on 06/22/2014 18:00
1st | [111] Ihaaaaa (Elo 1824) | 1st | [111] star war (Elo 1757) | |
2nd | [111] cr0n0s0rm1 (Elo 1820) | 2nd | [CMM] Clan Memento Mori (Elo 1687) | |
3rd | [111] klou1991 (Elo 1806) | 3rd | [OFF] DARK LUNACY (Elo 1678) | |
4th | [OFF] statics (Elo 1775) | 4th | [tag] lutadores da liberdade (Elo 1647) | |
5th | [ODI] LEDERNIEREMPEREUR (Elo 1747) | 5th | [KTB] Los Kotoba (Elo 1635) | |
6th | [EXY] Sushi75 (Elo 1733) | 6th | [689] Ouroboros (Elo 1620) | |
7th | [KTB] Daniferranases (Elo 1726) | 7th | [MAS] Memento Audere Semper (Elo 1599) | |
8th | [CsT] valefort (Elo 1722) | 8th | [EDD] Emisarios Del Demiurgo (Elo 1598) | |
9th | [111] *ITACHI* (Elo 1719) | 9th | [IEP] Italian Elite Players (Elo 1595) | |
10th | [CMM] luisjordano (Elo 1718) | 10th | [GER] Geredan (Elo 1588) |
Win the artwork card Moneyed: [ODI] LEDERNIEREMPEREUR, [CsT] valefort, [CMM] Nico_Isoler, [111] Diwo, [CMM] Exequiel_Isoler, [ad] Lunesombre, [MAS] br1990, [CHW] 聆听, [Fr] Pepe_Dea, [WON] Giovanni_Molinari, [Apu] Pablo_Widder, [CMM] Candelinho, [OFF] Carlos_Bagüi_Quintero, [OFF] SpeciousASECINO, [PM] kyzydar.
Win the artwork card Tadaa! You're a bunny!: [CMM] luisjordano, yannsolo2001.
Congratulations to all of you!! Enjoy the adventure! Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.
Find it also on Facebook !
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