New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Amber Javelin. Rare. Spear. Sap Heart. Warrior. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Choose an opposing character, he suffers 1 direct damage then this card becomes an Item Other and attaches to him. The holder (and his allies if unknown race) has +1 to damage points suffered. Chain Dagger.

Baligu'Diga. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Sap Heart. Warrior. Unknown. Spirit 1. Attack 5/8. Defense 2. Health points 12. Gain Chain if you play a Spear. If you play "Amber Disk", an other "Amber Disk" is created and played. Turns 1, 4 and 5: An "Amber Disk" from your Deck is placed in your Hand.

Amber Disk. Common. One handed. Sap Heart. Warrior. Permanent. Choose an opposing character, he suffers 1 direct damage point for each card attached to himself then this card becomes an Item Other and attaches to him.

The following card is a reedition of an older card:

Fierceness. Rare. Action. Sap Heart. If the opposing character dies this Turn, the other living opposing characters suffer 2 Direct damage points.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.

Enjoy the game!