New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Astromancy. Rare. Draconic. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Mage. Chevalier Dragon. Compendium. Choose a card in the opponent's Discard Pile, this card along with its copies present in the opposing Discard Pile are removed from the game. If played by "Thyonus": its copies present the opposing Hand are also removed from the game.

Thyonus. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Mage. Human. Compendium. Spirit 3. Attack 0/0. Defense 1. Health points 16. Gain Chain if you play an Item. You and your allies have -1 to damage points suffered until the end of the game. Odd Turns: The two characters in battle have Min Attack = 0.

Astromantic Spell Book. Common. Magic Book. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Mage. Duration: 3 Fights. This card is attached to your character. As this card activates and at the beginning of each turn, Spirit +1 and 1 card from your Discard pile is placed in your Deck. If played by "Thyonus": Choose which character this card is attached to.

Orbital Crystals. Common. Other. Noz'Dingard Envoys. Mage. Permanent. This card is attached to your character. At the end of the fight, the holder will perform a physical attack which equals the sum of his Spirit, Defense and Min Attack. Then he has Spirit = 0, Defense = 0 and Min Attack = 0. If played by "Thyonus": Choose which character this card is attached to.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.

Enjoy the game!