New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:

Masse Longue. (2 evolutions in all). Rare. Two handed Sledgehammer. Warrior, Avalonian. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Attack +2. You gain a Level until the end of the game. "Konis": At the start of the fight, deals X physical damage points to an opposing character where X equals half the maximal Attack value of "Konis".

Konis. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution: Common. Mercenaries. Warrior. Human. Avalonian. Spirit 0. Attacke 7/10. Defense 3. Health points 13. Gain Chain if you play a Two Handed Weapon. At the start of your fight, if your character has a "Long mass", he gains Attack +0/+4 until the end of the turn and gains a Level until the end of the game. Even turns: Gain X Health points where X equals your level divided by 2.

For this release, the Konis Super Pack is available in store for a limited time.

The Konis Super Pack contains: "Konis" + 5 Newcomer boosters. That is 60 cards, including at least 5 Rares (or Legendary) and 20 Uncommon.

Reedition / Patch:

Squire. Uncommon. Pet. Avalonian. Permanent. Attack +1, Defense +1 and you gain a Level until the end of the game. A Quest from your Deck is placed in your Hand, and one from your Discard pile is place in your Deck. Chain.

Heroic act. Uncommon. Action. Avalonian. Warrior. Defense +X where X equals your character's Level -1. Your character and another one of your characters gain 1 Level until the end of the game. Chain Jewel.

Once Upon A Time. Common. Action. Your character gains his Order bonus if he hasn't received it already. The next Weapons played by the two characters in battle activate immediately. Chain: Weapon.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.

Enjoy the game!