Hello to all of you,

The Damned and Sacred cards arrive in your boosters!
Starting today, the Newcomers boosters and Standard Guilded ones contain 1 Damned or Sacred card, as well as the (rare) possibility to get 1 additional Soul Stone!

27/09/2016 Release

New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG!

All the following cards have from now on a Damned and Sacred evolution.

Mush (3 evolutions in total)

Evolution 3 requires:
- 1 "Teaching"

At its last evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Mercenaries
Races: Unknown, Nature Guemelite
Spirit: 3
Attack: 5/5
Defense: 3
Health points: 15


Your Nature Guemelites gain Attack +2 if they play at least one Nature Spell.
If "Shroom" is one of your characters, a "Magic Poison" is created and played when your characters play at least one Nature Spell.
Even Turns: Your characters have -2 to magical damage suffered.

Shroom (3 evolutions in total)

Evolution 3 requires:
- 1 "Being at one with nature"

At its last evolution:

Classes: Warrior, Mage
Guild: Sap Heart
Races: Unknown, Nature Guemelite
Spirit: 2
Attack: 7/7
Defense: 4
Health points: 14


Your Nature Guemelites gain Defense +1 and Chain each time they play a Nature Spell.
If "Mush" is one of your characters, your Nature Guemelites can play Nature Spells without any restriction.
Odd Turns: Your characters gain +2 to magic damage dealt.

Super Pack

For this release, the Mush Super Pack and the Shroom Super Pack are available in store for a limited time!

The Mush Super Pack contains "Mush" + 5 Newcomers boosters, so 60 of the newest cards, including at least 5 Rare, 20 Uncommon and 5 Damned or Sacred as well as up to 5 additional Destiny XP cards!

The Shroom Super Pack contains "Shroom" + 5 standard Sap Heart boosters, so 60 cards from the last 3 Acts, including 40 from your Guild and at least 5 Rares as well as 5 Damned or Sacred!


The following cards have been reedited:

  • Amber Pebble
  • Being at one with nature
  • Teaching
  • Give life
  • Fe'y


Changes brought to the cards are colored.

Being at one with nature



Attack -2 and Defense +2. Permanent.
At the end of the fight, Attack +2/+1 and Heals 1 Health point. If "Shroom" is one of your characters and alive, Heals 2 additional Health points.
World-Tree: Chain Nature Spell.




Duration: 3 Fights.
Choose one of your characters and attach this card, he obtains Guilds, Classes, Races and Castes from your character in battle instead of his own.

Fe'y (3 evolutions in total)

At its last evolution:

Class: Mage
Guild: Sap Heart
Races: Dais, Nature Guemelite
Cast: World-Tree
Spirit: 2
Attack: 3/6
Defense: 3
Health points: 15


At the start of the fight, the opposing character has Attack -1, and Defense -1 or Spirit -1 until the end of the game.
If "Fe'y" casts a Nature spell, he heals 1 to 3 Health points at the end of the fight.
Turns 1, 3 and 6: Spirit +2.

These cards are now available in the Newcomers booster.

Have fun!