19/07/2017 Release

New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG!

All the following cards have from now on a Damned and Sacred evolution, except "Bubblez" and "Cyclopanik".

Puppet X (3 evolutions in total)

At his last evolution:

Classes: Marauder, Priest, Craftsman
Guild: Zil Warriors
Cast: Circus
Races: Human, Golem
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/8
Defense: 3
Health points: 14


Cannot play any Faith or Divine Anger Theurgies.
At the start of the fight, you can choose an Item in game and place it in your Hand.
At the end of the fight, if you suffered more than 6 damage points during this turn, you can choose a card from your Discard pile and place it in the opponent’s Deck.
Turn 2, 3 and 6: Spirit and Defense +2.

Ageless Saphyra (3 evolutions in total)

At her last evolution:

Classes: Mage, Priest, Craftsman
Guild: Zil Warriors
Cast: Circus
Race: Human
Spirit: 2
Attack: 6/8
Defense: 3
Health points: 15


Players cannot choose the characters who will fight.
At the start of the fight your characters gain Attack +0/+2 until the end of the game, if one of your cards is in the opponent’s hand.
Odd Turns: A Puppet is played from your Deck after your cards.

Telendar’s doll

Zil Warriors


Your characters have -1 to damage points suffered.
Circus: At the start of the fight, Attack +0/+1 for each Class among the living characters.
At the start of the game, this card is attached to "Saphyra the Zil” or “Ageless Saphyra”.
If the holder of this card dies, it is attached to another of your characters.

Aryphas the doll

Zil Warriors, Craftsman, Priest


Duration: 3 turns.
Attack +0/+3 for each Puppet attached to you (max 6).
Circus: As this card activates, choose 3 characters in play, they are untapped if they were tapped and tapped if they were untapped.

Preconstructed deck: Puppet X

For this release, a preconstructed "Puppet X" deck has been created for you!

This deck of 27 cards (containing 5 Rares and 11 Uncommons), including “Puppet X ", is now available for 999 Fee'z in the store, thanks to a 50% discount lasting until Wednesday midnight (CET). Afterwards, the preconstructed deck "Puppet X" will be available for 1999 Fee’z in the “Deck” section of the store.


The following cards have been reedited and/or patched:

  • Bubblelize
  • Distorted destiny
  • Vicious circle
  • Treachery
  • Bubblez
  • Cyclopanik
  • Pulling the strings
  • Voodoo


Changes brought to the cards are colored.

Bubblelize (2 evolutions in total)

At her last evolution:

Classes: Priest, Craftsman
Guild: Zil Warriors
Races: Human, Shadow Guemelite
Spirit: 2
Attack: 4/7
Defense: 3
Health points: 14


Your Priests have Defense +1.
Your other Circus have -1 to damage points suffered and +1 to healing effects.
Shadowform: The first Puppet played by your characters at each fight is duplicated and attached to the caster.
Turn 1, 2 and 3: A "Bubblez" is created and played after your cards.

After the original artwork of Rue Moon.

Distorted destiny

Destiny Theurgy
Zil Warriors, Priest


Attack +3 (+1 per opponent’s cards in your Discard pile).
At the end of the fight, you can choose a card from your Discard pile and place it on top of the opponent’s Deck.

Circus: Defense +2. Chain.

Vicious circle

Destiny Theurgy


Spirit +1 and Defense +2. Chain Theurgy.
Each "Vicious circle" from your Discard pile is placed in your Hand.
If your Min. Attack is inferior to 9, a "Cyclopanik” is created and played.
At the end of the fight, this card is placed on the top of the opponent's Deck.


Destiny Theurgy
Zil Warriors, Priest


Attack +X where X equals the opposing character's Attack bonus (maximum +7).
Circus: X will take into account the highest Attack bonus among all the opposing characters.
At the end of the fight, this card is placed in the opposing Deck.
The next time this card is discarded, a non Zil character suffers 3 direct damage points.

Bubblez (Patched but not reedited)

Zil Warriors, Craftsman, Priest


Duration: 2 fights. Circus: Chain.
As this card activates, a card from your opponent’s Discard pile is placed in your Discard pile.
At the end of the fight, you gain 2 Health points.
Shadowmancer: Your character changes appearance.

Cyclopanik (Patched but not reedited)

Item Other
Zil Warriors


Attack +0/+2 until the end of the game.
If your Hand contains more cards than your opponent’s, or if he has one of your cards in his Hand, a "Stirring Up Hatred” is created and played.
Monozilk: An additional Attack +0/+2.

Pulling the strings

Zil Warriors, Nehantists


Spirit and Defense +1.
Nehantist: Choose an active Corruption in play then choose a living opposing character.
The card is then placed on the opposing character with its permanent effects.
Zil: Choose an active Puppet, it is duplicated and played after your cards.


Zil Warriors


Duration: 5 Turns.
Chain Zil card.
Your characters with a Puppet attached to them gain Spirit and Defense +1.
When this card is activated, the opposing character suffers X magic damage points where X equals your Spirit, +1 for each card in the opponent’s Deck or Hand.

"You have to see it to believe it."

These cards are now available in the Newcomers booster.

Have fun!