New banned cards in Amnezy
Par Eredan, Sunday 29 March 2020 à 20:00 - iTCG - #1862 - rss
Hello players,
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores
- Aelide, Queen of Avalonia
- Light and shadow shield
- Falling branches
- The Ugly Corc
- Electroshock
- Lightning-Blade
- Thunderstroke
- Foliage blades
- The Big Means
- Free diving
- Kararine
- Clumsiness
- Disembodiment
- Sol'ra Eclipse
- Incarnation
- Basking in the Sun
- Azaram
- Morning Star Weapon
- Saltimbank's Hat
- Noun-ta
Amnezy Tournament - Here's the list of banned cards of this week:
- Cataclysm
- Cutting all Ties
- Gae Bolga
- Hit by love
- Settlement of scores
- Aelide, Queen of Avalonia
- Light and shadow shield
- Falling branches
- The Ugly Corc
- Electroshock
- Lightning-Blade
- Thunderstroke
- Foliage blades
- The Big Means
- Free diving
- Kararine
- Clumsiness
- Disembodiment
- Sol'ra Eclipse
- Incarnation
- Basking in the Sun
- Azaram
- Morning Star Weapon
- Saltimbank's Hat
- Noun-ta
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